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时间: 2022-09-20 点击次数:















1. Huang, Liping;  Chen, Yi; Ye, Jiangyu*; Xiao, Yuchun; Tao, Kelin; Wang, Yichao; Li,  Yunyi. Complete nitrogen removal from over-aeration treated  black-odorous water via adding aerobic denitrifiers and iron-carbon  micro-electrolysis carriers[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 433:133259.

2. Huang, Liping;  Ye, Jiangyu*; Jiang, Kemei; Wang, Yichao; Li, Yunyi. Oil contamination  drives the transformation of soil microbial communities: Co-occurrence  pattern, metabolic enzymes and culturable hydrocarbon-degrading  bacteria[J]. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2021, 225:112740.

3. Huang, Liping;  Ye, Jiangyu*; Xiang, Hongwei; Jiang, Jianhua; Wang, Yichao; Li, Yunyi.  Enhanced nitrogen removal from low C/N wastewater using biodegradable  and inert carriers: Performance and microbial shift[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2020, 300:122658.

4. Ma, Hua*; Huang, Liping;  Zhang, Jie; Wan, Xuebin; Shi, Dezhi; Yang, Jixiang. Optical properties  of straw-derived dissolved organic matter and growth inhibition of Microcystis aeruginosa by straw-derived dissolved organic matter via photo-generated hydrogen peroxide. Environmental Pollution, 2018, 242:760-768.

5.黄丽萍; 马华*; 潘雨; 黄紫薇; 黄娟; 刘艳. 石墨烯对漆酶/介体系统降解碱木素的影响. 环境化学, 2018, 37(04):704-712.

6. Fang, Dexin; Huang, Liping;  Fang, Zhuoyao; Zhang, Qian; Shen, Qiushi; Li, Yimeng; Xu, Xiaoyi; Ji,  Fangying*. Evaluation of porous calcium silicate hydrate derived from  carbide slag for removing phosphate from wastewater. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 354:1-11.

7. Fang, Dexin; Huang, Liping;  Fan, Jianping; Xiao, Hong; Wu, Ganxue; Wang, Yingjun; Zeng, Zhenxing;  Shen, Fei; Deng, Shihuai; Ji, Fangying*. New insights into the  arrangement pattern of layered double hydroxide nanosheets and their  ion-exchange behavior with phosphate. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 441:136057.

8. Fang, Dexin; Wu, Anqi; Huang, Liping;  Shen, Qiushi; Zhang, Qian; Jiang, Lei; Ji, Fangying*. Polymer substrate  reshapes the microbial assemblage and metabolic patterns within a  biofilm denitrification system. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 387:124128.

9. Du, Yiwen; Ma, Hua*; Huang, Liping;  Pan, Yu; Huang, Juan; Liu, Yan. Electrochemical characteristics of the  decolorization of three dyes by laccase mediator system (LMS) with  synthetic and natural mediators. Chemosphere, 2020, 239:124779.

10. Fang, Dexin; Zhuang, Xianquan; Huang, Liping;  Zhang, Qian; Shen, Qiushi; Jiang, Lei; Xu, Xiaoyi; Ji, Fangying*.  Developing the new kinetics model based on the adsorption process: From  fitting to comparison and prediction. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 725:138490.


1.  重庆市生态环境局科技计划项目,2019-125,城市黑臭水体原位修复技术与示范,2019. 11-2021. 1239.1万元,结题,主研

2.  中央高校基本科研业务基金前沿交叉学科培育专项,2017CDJQJ,光驱动真菌胞外漆酶介体系统降解木质素机理研究, 2017.6-2019.625万元,结题,主研

3.  中央高校基本科研业务基金,2016CDJXY,基于内外源活性氧的淡水真菌对天然有机物降解机理研究,2016.6-2018.65万元,结题,主研


[1] The 3rd IWA Resource Recovery Conference, 8-12 September, 2019. Venice, Italy.(海报展示;环境领域Top会议)

[2] IWA Innovation Conference on Sustainable Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery, 24-28 November, 2019. Shanghai, China.(口头汇报;环境领域Top会议)

[3] 第九届全国环境化学大会, 20171019-22. 中国杭州.(海报展示)


